Splunk customers have been finding cool and innovative ways to use the platform for years. We talk about people Splunking their homes and Splunking their commutes and Splunking their kids. In this book, you’ll see a collection of new ways to use Splunk® tools to make your life easier. I think you’ll find some of them surprising, but they all make sense. The fact
that Splunk users have found ways to enhance and refine even centuries-old processes is not only fascinating, but it shows how technology has become an integral part of human life. It also shows how powerful the Splunk platform has become in helping drive nearly any outcome.
This book reflects the extraordinary time in which it was written. As people spend more time at home, they naturally turn their attention inward and think about how to make day-to-day activities not only more efficient, but more pleasant.
Download this free e-book today.