A new era of work has begun—one where employees expect to work wherever and however they choose to work while still being able to easily access the information and technology they need to carry out their roles.

With this shift to a hybrid model, how can you ensure that your distributed workforce:

  • Remains connected?
  • Is having positive end-user experiences?
  • Remains productive?
  • Is effectively engaging and collaborating with each other?

Also, how do you:

  • Know how many productive work hours have been lost because of specific IT resources?
  • Discover, diagnose, and resolve instances where IT resources are impacting productivity?
  • Provide IT the visibility and tools to support employees working anywhere?
  • Create an environment positioned for the most optimal business outcomes?


Remote Work Insights to Support your Hybrid Workforce

With Remote Work Insights, organizations gain real-time visibility across enterprise systems and ensure optimal business outcomes. Leadership teams are provided with actionable dashboards that give visibility into business operations. IT and security teams can monitor critical business performance from remote locations including:


VPN sessions, login failure rates, usage by city (e.g. Citrix VMWare, Remote Desktop)


Video conferencing, document sharing and employee interactions (e.g. O365, SharePoint, Teams, Zoom & Webex)

Business Continuity

Application accessibility for your team and your customers (e.g. Salesforce, SAP, Workday & ServiceNow)


Network security monitoring, data loss prevention and conformance to existing  acceptable use policies (e.g. Ransomware, DDoS Attacks and unauthorized access)

Supporting Infrastructure

Integrity of supporting systems that keep your business going (e.g. Server, storage & networking)

24/7 Support for your Organization

Our experts don’t just recommend and implement solutions – they can manage them too. We provide 24/7 support to ensure your technology runs optimally so your employees stay focused on delivering business value. Learn more…

Want to learn More? Contact Us Today at 888-467-6588 or info@microstrat.com.